Thursday, November 19, 2015

Blazie/MC Family Photos!

Our Breed Founder, Tina Barber, would create a litter collage for each of her breedings. In the collage she would place family members and relatives that she felt the pups might grow up to resemble. I used to love looking at those, so we've made it a tradition for each prospective breeding to do collages of our own. :)

Without further the family!

The photos above feature relatives that we think these pups might look like as adults. You'll see an equal number of plush and smooth coats, from grey sables like Nana, Ginger, Piston, and Acer to golden and brown sables like Chester, Leo, and Aslan. We could also get duals like MC himself or very dark duals like Sammy!

We're expecting a real range of temperaments in this litter, from medium-soft through medium to potentially medium-hard. Both Blazie and MC had all of these temperaments show up in their own litter mates. Both parents have a drive to please and that makes for an easily-trained dog. We may get a couch potato or two (it's in the genes) but these pups will probably fall into the range where they're very happy to get up and go but also have an "off switch."

Stay tuned for an update next week after the ultrasound--and please join us in crossing fingers, paws and tails for puppies!